Seventh Spiritual Lesson From My Dog Sam

Accepting God’s Will For Your Life

Everyone has times when they believe this is the decision they must make or a direction they should take. They prayed about it, it is not contrary to Scripture or the laws or rules of man. Furthermore, they feel deeply that they want to do it. Often, it is that last feeling of desire that takes precedence and guides us. We reinforce that decision by the confirmation that we prayed and it does not violate Scripture or human laws or customs.

When I graduated from seminary with a degree in Christian counseling, I quickly became a distributor of my resume for a staff position at churches or Christian camps. However, a series of divine events (which I will elaborate on in later blogs) kept rerouting me to faith-based missions. It was bad enough to leave my country, the land of pizza, hamburgers, and air conditioning, but additionally I had to raise my own support.

I was never good at sales. I did have a job in college selling pots and pans for commission. In one year I sold one set of pots and pans. That is not a good sales record, when the customer that purchased the set was myself. Therefore, recalling my unenviable sales career, I was convinced that raising support for missions was not the ideal situation. It was a greater challenge to sell myself to potential supporters than selling pots and pans, I reasoned.

No, I needed a confirmed monthly salary, but I decided to meet the Lord halfway and teach in a Christian school. I would satisfy my job insecurity, and the Lord certainly would appreciate my service to Him. 

That career lasted one semester. I was miserable and knew I was not where the Lord wanted me to be. I surrendered to the call and the following year I was on the mission field. Our family had all our needs met. For 28 years God supplied. Best and most blessed years of my life.

It was a lesson that I never forgot. You can be doing or traveling on a road that does not violate the Scripture, seems right, and does not violate human rules and regulations. However, if you are not where the Lord wants you, you will never have peace or satisfaction.

The seventh spiritual lesson from my dog, Sam, expanded on this above precept. A couple of years ago, my wife and I struggled over the selling of our farm in Kentucky and moving in proximity to one set of our kids. Our children urged us to get closer so we could be nearer to them and to the grandkids. Grandkids won out and we decided to sell our beloved farm and relocate to the Dallas area near our youngest son’s family, then we could enjoy visiting the other families made possible by our oldest son’s benefits as a captain with a commercial airline.  

It was a difficult decision. Kentucky was home for us and my family legacy there went back to the 1700’s. After much prayer we felt at peace about the move. After the decision was made, Jeanette and I took notice of Sam who was watching me intently. Sam has a gift of language as I described in my earlier blogs. However, to explain what the future held to him was like a physicist explaining 'string theory' to me. 

Sam’s delight was the farm. He knew every part of the 100 plus acres. The move for him would mean he could no longer to chase deer and rabbits, swim the cool waters of the ponds and streams, and smell the fragrances of blooming wild plants. He would be confined to a small yard. It would mean sharing the neighborhood with other dogs and being tethered to me on occasional walks in the park. A whole new life was in front of him, and he did not have a clue. 

The day before we left on our journey to Texas, I took Sam on a final adventure on the farm. We walked and we talked. Well, I did most of the talking (see photo). He was certain something was going to change. He behaved like he always does when I would leave him for frequent travels. Early the next morning we loaded our Honda CRV, left the keys to the house and barn on the table for the new owner, and opened the rear door for Sam. 

Sam watched his bed be placed on a small section of the folded down rear seat. His confused and forlorn expression changed to a toothy grin that sent commands to his tail which began wagging vigorously. He looked at me and then back at the car. I gestured with my hand and he jumped inside and sat on his bed waiting for me to start the engine for the twelve hour trip to our new home. He did not know where he was going, but he didn’t care because he was going with us.

Once we settled into the downsized home and property, Sam adjusted. I could tell he was a little puzzled about his new digs and I think initially he indicated he was ready to get into the car for the return to the farm. However, he soon established his own tradition at the new place. He identified the property lines, introduced himself to the neighborhood cats, and looked forward to his morning walk in the park. 

It occurred to me, that like myself, he had his preferences, but I have learned that the Father knows best. In his mind’s eye I am his father, and I know what is best for him. Sam demonstrated his joy at being in my presence, going where I want him to go, and doing what I want him to do.

This is the seventh lesson I have learned and it encapsulates the themes in the other six lessons…obedience, joy, love, patience, learning, and service. Sam was satisfied anywhere, as long as I was present. When we serve the Lord in obedience then we too will be satisfied.

I may learn other lessons from Sam, but for now these seven have really impacted me. We humans do not have a monopoly on wisdom. I believe that the Master’s created cosmos has gems of wisdom scattered throughout. We just have to take the time to search for it and then appreciate what we find.

“Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.” Deuteronomy 5:33 (NIV)

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